
Hindi Zahra / "Homeland" (2015)

Future of Forestry / "Pages" (2015)

Kathryn Calder / "Kathryn Calder" (2015)

Torres / "Sprinter" (2015)

The Decemberists / "What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World" (2015)

Scott Matthew / "This Here Defeat" (2015)

Bigott / "Pavement Tree" (2014)

Adrian Crowley / "Some Blue Morning" (2014)

Avi Buffalo / "At Best Cuckold" (2014)

Missy Higgins / "Oz" (2014)

Jenn Grant / "Clairvoyant" -EP- (2014) / "Compostela" (2014)

Damien Rice / "My Favourite Faded Fantasy" (2014)

Guus Meeuwis and New Cool Collective Big Band / Hollandse Meesters (2014)

Sophie Zelmani - "Everywhere" (2014) / Sentimiento, calidez e intensidad...

The Rural Alberta Advantage - "Mended with Gold" (2014) / Siguiendo la estela marcada de lo bien hecho...

Leonard Cohen - "Popular Problems" (2014) / Magistral, excelente y más joven que nunca. Discazo.

Dry the River - "Alarms in the Heart" (2014) / Entre los mejores discos de este 2014. Excelente

Woods - "With Light and With Love" (2014) / Fuente inagotable de discos imprescindibles...

Sharon Van Etten - "Are We There" (2014) - Una obra maestra. Genial...

Rachel Ries - "Ghost of a Gardener" (2014) - El fantasma que todos deberíamos conocer...